Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pinata Baseball

So there was a birthday party last night and I did things that I haven't done in a long time. Like hit a pinata..or rather it turned into baseball since Beth broke the slipper off the slipper strap (yeah, it was a giant yellow rubbah-slippah pinata). And we played games like Mad Gab and Taboo. Never played those before. Too bad we didn't do pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. That's what was missing.

Well, I thought it was fun. But even if I didn't, it's not like I would show it. That would just be...well, it would go against my Japanese-"be respectful!"-upbringing. My mother, she's ingrained certain principles and ways of thinking into my soul that has become common sense to me now. But, I guess not everyone has a mom like mine. And I guess not everyone has my type of common sense either.

So what's a girl to do...

1 comment:

ChocolateMonkey said...

I have to admit, the party was more fun than I thought itd be. Haha, I felt dumb wacking that pinata though.

Respecful = good :)

Not everyone has a mom like yours. What a fortunate girl.

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